Zoning Information

Zoning Classifications

The City of Sikeston has the following zone classifications within our community.  (Zoning Map)


R-1/R-2  Single Family 

These districts are intended to promote and preserve urban, one family residential development and their related uses.

R-3  Single Family  Manufactured Home

These districts are intended to allow the placement of manufactured housing to increase the options available for low to moderate- income households in select residential areas of the city.

R-4  Two Family ( Duplex Structures)

These districts are intended to create a buffer between lower density single family areas and more intensive uses such as commercial, industrial or multi-family developments.

R-5  Multiple Family

This district is intended to create a buffer between lower density one and two family districts and more intensive uses of land such as commercial and industrial developments.

R-6   Planned Manufactured Housing

These districts are intended to provide for well designed manufactured housing development in areas where public utilities are available and to establish basic standards which will provide occupants with a suitable living environment and minimize its effect on surrounding properties.

R-7  Condominium 

These districts are intended to provide for condominium development pursuant to the requirements set forth in the Missouri State statutes.

AG  Agricultural/Open space

These districts are intended to provide for agricultural activities, and spacious residential development and to prevent untimely or inappropriate development of more dense urban uses.

TZ  Transitional 

These districts are intended to provide for the conversion of older structure into office use. New construction is permitted, however must reinforce existing desirable characteristics of the neighborhood.


O-1  Office District

Is intended to provide adequate space in appropriate locations suitable for accommodating medical, dental and similar service, as well as professional offices.

C-1  Neighborhood 

Intended to meet the retail trade and personal enterprise needs for the people of the adjacent residential areas.

C-2  General 

Intended for the conduct of personal and business services and the general retail business of the community.

C-3  Highway 

Intended for the conduct of commercial enterprises catering to the traveling public, for personal and business services and retail trade.

IL  Light Industrial

Provide wholesale and retail trade, service industries, and light industries that manufacture, process, store and distribute goods and materials.

IH  Heavy Industrial 

Provide for the needs of heavy industry so long as not to conflict with any Missouri statutes or ordinance of this city that regulate nuisances and are not noxious or offensive by reason of vibration, noise, odor, dust, smoke, gas or otherwise.